Sunday 29 January 2012

DIY Cream Soap!

Since Pinterest, I have pretty much started/tried making almost everything at home! I remember going through it one day and seeing a recipe for DIY cream soap and instantly thought to myself 'One day'!
Well last night, I ran out of my Jergens cream soap and realized that 'some day' could be today! I was curious to see how it would turn out as it would save me tons!
So here is my tutorial with pics on how to making your "DIY Hand Cream Soap"! Enjoy...
Grate your Bar of Soap into small flakes
Add it to a pan filled with water and turn the heat to med-high
Add some Glycerin for softness
Add some food colouring (optional)
Soon you will notice all the flakes dissolving and the mixture will turn soapy!
Turn off the flame and leave it to cool OVERNIGHT!

Next morning, you will notice that it has hardened
The consistency should be as above...Gooey...I know! It doesn't look so much like the cream soap YET!
Now its time to Blend and turn it into a liquidy paste..if its too thick, add some water!

Now just pour it into an empty container. 
I just took my old Jergens Bottle, removed the label and hand wrote mine! :) TaDa!
P.s. I am so thrilled with the result! Its identical to what you would buy in stores! and pay sooo much more!  The awesomest part is that you can turn any of your favourite bar soaps into cream soap!! I am thinking the LUSH ones...ooh the possibilities! :)


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